Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dang It!!!

I got into a fender bender this morning on the way to work! MmmHmmm. I hit a guy in a white 'Stang, he in turn hit the lady in front of him. No one was hurt, and there was not really any damage to any of the cars. But, it is not a good feeling to be the one to cause all that ruckus. So I got a ticket and was an hour late to work. Geez, what a morning! I really do not enjoy my commute to work sometimes. It is nice to have some time to listen to music, drink coffee and wake up. But sometimes that drive kicks my butt! Oh well, I just need to be very careful, I guess. So now that I am a bad ass and got in a wreck, I don't want to hear any more granny driver jokes, k?


  1. Aw... it happens to us all at some point. I was a claims adjuster for a few years and handled hundreds of similar accidents. No big deal :)

  2. granny status still aplies. You were going like 5 miles an hour. But in this case I'd rather you be a granny then a bad ass..

  3. Im so sorry to hear that!! I was in the reverse situation less than a week ago!! I felt bad for the girl, because like you said, it really sucks to be the cause of all that. Im glad no one was hurt, and none of the cars were very damaged!

  4. Do you have a court date? Hopefully the people won't show up and then you won't get a ticket or the jacked insurance rate!

  5. I did the crime, so I am gonna pay the fine. I could go to court, but I don't want to waste tax dollars.

  6. I just got your comment and it totally made my night! You are so sweet!! And just think we are both in SC! Yay!! Sorry to hear about your wreck! Bad feeling!!
